ELFA - Equipment Leasing and Finance Association - Equipping Business for Success

Business Council Steering Committees (BCSCs)

Call for BCSC Nominees

Nominees are being accepted through July 26 for ELFA’s 2025 Business Council Steering Committees.  Any employee of a member company that conducts business in one of the five market sectors represented by Business Councils is eligible for nomination to a steering committee. Learn about the member requirements or go to the Nomination Form to add your name to the list of candidates. For more information, contact Ed Rosen at erosen@elfaonline.org or 202.238.3428.

Business Councils, representative of the various segments of membership, were first established in 1996 with goals that have changed as both the equipment leasing and finance business and the economic environment have changed. The Councils are intended to establish a clean line of communications and decision-making among the ELFA governance, the members, and the professional staff.

Each Business Council is headed by a Steering Committee elected by the members of each Business Council to manage and direct the work of the Business Council. Steering Committee analyzes the needs of companies in this segment and recommends to the Board how to meet those needs.

Business Council Steering Committee members are elected by the Business Council membership for a term of two years on a staggered basis. Members may serve no more than two consecutive terms. Each Business Council Steering Committee elects a chair for a one-year term, which is renewable. The chair may be selected only after serving at least one year on the Steering Committee.

The five Business Councils help describe the market focus of each ELFA member company. All ELFA members self-select one or more of these Business Councils as their company designation:

Small Ticket BCSC

Business Council Steering Committees

  • Bank 〉
  • Captive and Vendor Finance 〉
  • Independent 〉
  • Service Providers 〉
  • Small Ticket 〉