ELFA - Equipment Leasing and Finance Association - Equipping Business for Success

Membership Types

Learn about the various types of membership available from ELFA.

Regular Membership

Regular membership is open to any company, or division or subsidiary thereof, located in the United States, or in the case of a foreign domiciled company operating in the United States, engaged in the financing of equipment to other commercial users or in the funding or arranging of such financing.

Regular membership is available for:

  • Equipment leasing and finance companies (Banks, Captives, Independents)
  • Investors (BDC’s, Family offices, Hedge funds, Insurance companies, Pension funds, Private credit, Private equity, Sovereign wealth funds)
  • Investment banks

Associate Membership

Associate membership is open to any company operating in the United States which is not eligible for regular membership, but which has an interest in, or a relationship to, the equipment finance industry.

International Associate Membership

International Associate membership is open to any company not located or operating in the United States but which otherwise satisfies the requirements for regular or associate membership.

Transitional Membership

An individual may be eligible for transitional membership if he or she has previously been an employee of a Regular Member of the Association. An individual shall not be eligible for transitional membership if he or she presently is an employee of a Regular Member of the Association or a company eligible for such membership. Application for transitional membership may be submitted by an individual who was employed by a Regular Member within the last twelve months. The transitional membership of an individual may continue for no longer than eighteen months after an individual became such a member. A transitional member shall not be entitled to vote or be elected as an officer or director of the association. Other specific requirements for, and the financial obligations of, transitional members shall be specified from time to time by the Board of Directors.