ELFA - Equipment Leasing and Finance Association - Equipping Business for Success

ELFA Celebrates Black History Month: A Tribute to Excellence and Diversity

Posted 02/01/2024

At ELFA, we proudly join the nation in celebrating Black History Month throughout February. This month serves as a poignant reminder of the rich and diverse tapestry of American history, shaped by the extraordinary contributions of Black individuals. We honor the visionaries, leaders, artists and everyday heroes who have played pivotal roles in shaping our society.

Throughout February, we will engage in meaningful conversations and educational initiatives that highlight the achievements of Black trailblazers in our industry. Join us on our ELFA Equity LinkedIn page at https://www.linkedin.com/showcase/elfa-equity/ in honoring Black History Month as we reflect on the past, appreciate the present, and work towards a future where diversity is celebrated, and opportunities are accessible to all.

Amy Vogt, Vice President, Communications and Marketing, ELFA