ELFA - Equipment Leasing and Finance Association - Equipping Business for Success

Members speak out: Why should I download the SEFA report?

The Survey of Equipment Finance Activity (SEFA) is the most important source of statistical information available on the equipment finance industry. We asked ELFA members to explain the value of the SEFA report in their own words. If you’re wondering why you should download the report, here's what your colleagues have to say:

“We use the SEFA report to formulate a robust understanding of our market and how we are performing on a relative basis. SEFA data help to fill one of the biggest gaps in our industry, the lack of readily available competitive data. The report delves into the most critical aspects of our business and provides user-friendly formatting and segmentation. I reference the report at least once a week and data from within is a staple in our strategic discussions.”

- Joseph Turner, Director, Strategy and Analytics, First Citizens Bank Equipment Finance and Member, ELFA Research Committee

"Being in an analyst role, I’m always looking for data on how we perform compared to our competitors within our market segment, organization type and organization size. Whether it’s new business volume, financial information or market information, there is no better source than the SEFA for key business metrics within our industry."

- Jessica O’Brien, Vice President, Citizens Asset Finance, a division of Citizens Bank, N.A. and Chair, ELFA Research Committee


“The SEFA is the best one-stop-shop for credit and risk data within our industry. The recent addition of a 15-year summary of delinquencies, non-accruals and charge-offs (both gross and net) is particularly noteworthy and extremely insightful. Metrics on turnaround time are invaluable and let you readily benchmark one’s performance to the industry. And let’s not forget about equipment data and residual information germane to what we do. Keep the SEFA data rolling!”

- Kevin P. Prykull, CLFP,, Adjunct Professor in Finance, Duquesne University; Retired Credit Executive, PNC EF; and Member, ELFA Research Committee

Let us hear from you! Email what you love most about the SEFA to Amy Vogt at avogt@elfaonline.org.

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