ELFA - Equipment Leasing and Finance Association - Equipping Business for Success


MySEFA is an innovative new data visualization tool for equipment finance companies that participate in ELFA's Survey of Equipment Finance Activity (SEFA). Make sure you participate in the survey in order to take advantage of this new benefit!

Introducing MySEFA

How can I access MySEFA?

All regular member companies are encouraged to respond to the annual Survey of Equipment Finance Activity in order to receive their free, personalized MySEFA report. In January of each year, an email with the SEFA questionnaire is distributed to regular member companies. The following July, all respondents receive a complimentary copy of the 300-page survey report and a confidential MySEFA report.

What are the benefits of MySEFA?

Companies use MySEFA to track their own operational and performance statistics and quickly and easily compare them against their peers in the $1 trillion equipment finance industry. Benefits include:

  • Compare your operations and performance against peer-group companies by type of organization, market segment and size.
  • Select categories, add filters and drill down into 99 different metrics and over 2,000 data points, in just a few clicks.
  • Glean insights, uncover trends and answer questions, such as, How do I rank against my peers? Where do I need to improve my business processes and performance? How do I stand in terms of financial ratios and profitability? and more.

Learn More

The annual Survey of Equipment Finance Activity is the largest and most important source of statistical information about the equipment finance industry. Participation in the survey is a benefit of ELFA membership. For more information about the SEFA or MySEFA, please contact Bill Choi, ELFA Vice President of Research and Industry Services, at bchoi@elfaonline.org.