ELFA - Equipment Leasing and Finance Association - Equipping Business for Success

Data, Benchmarking & Forecasting

Market research, statistics, benchmarking and analyses offering essential insights into the current trends and future outlook for the equipment finance sector.
ELFA members enjoy special access to and discounts on many of the following resources. Learn more.

What's New

ELFA Webinar: MLFI Survey Summary -- Leveraging Data to Improve Performance (Jan. 26, 2022)
Reports economic activity from a cross section of the equipment finance companies.
Knowledge Hub - Your source for business intelligence on the equipment finance industry.
Interactive SEFA Dashboard
View highlights from over a decade of industry benchmark data in our powerful online platform.
MySEFA - This dashboard lets Survey of Equipment Finance Activity participants benchmark themselves against their peers.


EL&F Articles

Additional Articles

Also See:

Top 10 Equipment Acquisition Trends for 2023

Review the top trends driving capital acquisition this year.

Industry Information Help Desk - Your help desk for industry information, staffed by the ELFA's research and industry services team.
elfa foundation

Foundation donors receive benefits, including early access to many of the following resources. Learn more.



Also See:

COVID-19 Impact and Recovery Survey
COVID-19 Impact and Recovery Survey revealing work from home practices and portfolio metrics.
2020 COVID-19 Impact Issue Report
2020 COVID-19 Impact Issue Report
Comprehensive research on the size and expected growth of the U.S. equipment finance market.