ELFA - Equipment Leasing and Finance Association - Equipping Business for Success

Monthly Leasing & Finance Index

ELFA's Monthly Leasing and Finance Index (MLFI-25) reports economic activity from 25 companies representing a cross section of the equipment finance sector. Data include New Business Volume, Aging of Receivables, Average Losses, Credit Approval Ratios and Total Number of Employees. Learn more

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MLFI Archive

The MLFI-25 is the only index that reflects capex, or the volume of commercial equipment financed in the United States.

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Bank M​LFI

This special cut of the Monthly Leasing and Finance Index reports on equipment finance for banks. The same key metrics (NBV, aging of receivables, charge-offs, credit approvals and employment) for the banks segment are available each month.

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​Small Ticket MLFI

This special cut of the Monthly Leasing and Finance Index reports on equipment finance for the small ticket market. The same key metrics (NBV, aging of receivables, charge-offs, credit approvals and employment) for the small-ticket segment are available each month.

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More Information

Learn more about the MLFI, including the release dates, methodology and participants.

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